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My Time Within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

It is a rare experience being an enforcer of the law entrusted with the lives and civil liberties of others. I had that rare opportunity from 1988 to 1995 as a deputy sheriff for the County of Los Angeles. During that time I was exposed to both sides of the same coin. One side shiny and impressive and the other tarnished with the stains of tyranny.
Los Angeles County Sheriff

ISBN - 13: 978-0-692-69566-1

ISBN - 10: 0-692-69566-4

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"It was a compelling read and certainly gave an interesting perspective on the department."
- Abigail Sewell, Los Angeles Times Metro Reporter

"A number of years ago my dad asked me why I had retired early from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. I didn't directly answer him. I wasn't quite sure what to say. With the clarity of time I will attempt to do so now.


To make the narrative more interesting to others, I will also attempt to answer the following question: "Why, after only seven and a half years of service and having put into the Los Angeles County retirement system just about twenty-five thousand dollars, I was granted a life-time retirement valued at approximately one and a half million dollars."

Excerpts -



"Over a relatively short period of time it became quite apparent that organized and willful violence against inmates was not only tolerated, but in many quarters expected and encouraged."



"...he was chained and told he was going to be killed...with the lights off the inmate was shoved into the elevator shaft...according to the deputy the inmate screamed as his feet left the floor."



"Two deputies were just hitting this person's lower back seemingly as hard as they could. I was amazed at how the inmate just took it and never moved a muscle."



"...the message was clear, if you mess with us, we will beat you mercilessly."



"...the deputy from Internal Affairs flatly stated that he would take my statement but I would probably lose my job. When I asked why he stated because no one else will want to work with you."



"Nothing to worry about? Deputies from the Internal Affairs Bureau of the country's largest sheriff's department just communicated to me that I was an "asshole and not a team player" and they did so in a manner that reeked of conspiracy and corruption."



"...and before I could finish the sentence he said, "Fuck you, shut up, I don't give a shit. We don't want you here and if you need help we are not coming."


" seemed clear to me - if you reported deputy provoked jail violence against inmates you had no future with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department."



    "Are you part of the solution or part of the conspiracy?"



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